Closer to Home Expeditions with Hurtigruten
Welcome to today's online travel adventure! I'm thrilled to welcome Kristin Erz, representing Hurtigruten Expeditions, back to the screen with me. Last week Kristin and I spoke about expedition cruising and what makes Hurtigruten unique in this field. This week we are going to explore what we like to call our 'Closer to Home Expeditions. When many people think polar and expedition, Antartica comes to mind. And I’m not going to deny that that would be an AH-Mazing adventure!! However, not everyone is prepared to venture quite so far away from home. Hurtigruten offers some pretty amazing adventures north of us – think Alaska and the Northwest passage. You may think 'well so many cruise ships go to Alaska - what makes an Alaska expedition with Hurtigruten stand out?' And 'why would I want to traverse the Northwest Passage?' Sit back, relax and have a look at what makes this company so special. Any questions? Get in touch! I'm here to help :-)